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How to build a Flagstone Pathway

How to build a Flagstone Pathway How to build a Flagstone Pathway
Are you thinking of adding a pathway to your property? Flagstone is an easy DYI choice. They’re a flat natural stone that aren’t too heavy to move around. They come in many shapes and sizes to create an attractive addition to your backyard space. Clear the Path You’ll want to remove any old landscaping materials, rocks, sod, plants and debris for the pathway. Plan Your Path Use spray paint to mark your path. Install a Border A border will help keep a clean edge to your path, prevent washout and plant growth into your path. You can use simple garden edging, pressure treated lumber or stone. All have advantages and disadvantages. Trench the edge of your of your path along the line your spray painted for your border and install. Weed Block Weed block will help keep a crisp look to your path and cut down on maintenance. Roll it out along you pathway you’ve cleared. Sand to level With the weed block material in place, spread a few inches of sand out, making sure to keep it somewhat level. Pay attention to the slope of your land and allow for drainage. Tamp the sand down in place. Add Flagstone Start laying your largest stones first filling in with smaller ones. Leave a 1 – 3 inch gap. If need be you can break larger stones using a hammer to fill in gaps. Move stones around until you achieve the best look for your space. Fill with stone Now that your flagstone is in place spread pebbles, pea gravel or another small decorative stone or sand between the gaps using a wide broom. This will help prevent shifting and allow for drainage. Now all that’s left is to enjoy the look of your beautiful flagstone pathway.

How to build a Flagstone Pathway

How to build a Flagstone Pathway How to build a Flagstone Pathway
Are you thinking of adding a pathway to your property? Flagstone is an easy DYI choice. They’re a flat natural stone that aren’t too heavy to move around. They come in many shapes and sizes to create an attractive addition to your backyard space. Clear the Path You’ll want to remove any old landscaping materials, rocks, sod, plants and debris for the pathway. Plan Your Path Use spray paint to mark your path. Install a Border A border will help keep a clean edge to your path, prevent washout and plant growth into your path. You can use simple garden edging, pressure treated lumber or stone. All have advantages and disadvantages. Trench the edge of your of your path along the line your spray painted for your border and install. Weed Block Weed block will help keep a crisp look to your path and cut down on maintenance. Roll it out along you pathway you’ve cleared. Sand to level With the weed block material in place, spread a few inches of sand out, making sure to keep it somewhat level. Pay attention to the slope of your land and allow for drainage. Tamp the sand down in place. Add Flagstone Start laying your largest stones first filling in with smaller ones. Leave a 1 – 3 inch gap. If need be you can break larger stones using a hammer to fill in gaps. Move stones around until you achieve the best look for your space. Fill with stone Now that your flagstone is in place spread pebbles, pea gravel or another small decorative stone or sand between the gaps using a wide broom. This will help prevent shifting and allow for drainage. Now all that’s left is to enjoy the look of your beautiful flagstone pathway.